The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for our undergraduate private education line of credit is variable1 and is based on the Prime index2 plus a margin.
The current offered rate3 will be between 10.75% and 12.25% APR.
Please Note:
All loans subject to approval and restrictions may apply. We reserve the right to change rates for new applications at any time and without notice. Credit union membership and a minimum share deposit is required.
The Annual Percentage Rate is subject to increase after consummation. The interest rate will be adjusted quarterly, based on changes to the Index. The APR will not exceed 18.00%, or fall below the Floor rate regardless of the Index or any additional rate discount. Any increase in the Index may increase the APR and the amount of your monthly payment.
The "Index" for the quarter beginning January 1, 2025, is 7.75%, which was the Prime index published in the Wall Street Journal on the first business day of December 2024.
Current offered rate(s) are calculated by using the Index, Margin and Floor value(s) in effect. Your specific Interest Rate, Margin, Floor, and/or credit approval depends upon the credit qualifications of the student borrower and co-borrower (if applicable). Margin will be disclosed at account opening. Student borrowers may apply with a creditworthy co-borrower which may result in a better chance of approval and/or lower interest rate.